145 Lynnwood Ave, Tyrone, GA 30290
- 57% of homes in Tyrone sell at or above asking price!
- Get in quick, get out quicker. 60% of homes sell in less than 30 days!
- Continued increase in property values as median home prices are up 13.3% YoY.
Located just 4 miles from I-85, this property has easy access to the world while still giving that small town, country vibe! With very few properties in the area on market, you can quickly turn this around and make a big profit! Come see what Tyrone has to offer!
784 Senoia Rd, Tyrone, GA 30290 – $235K SOLD in March
150 Lynnwood Ave, Tyrone, GA 30290 – $240K SOLD September 2022
242 Palmetto Rd, Tyrone, GA 30290 – $275K SOLD in May!
ARV $225K
Offers Start at $100K! Or avoid the hassle and Buy Now for $125K!