125 S. Mill Creek Ct, Woodstock, GA 30188
- Median selling price of homes in Woodstock is up 3.6% YoY.
- Average time on market is 23 days. 83% of homes sold under 30 days.
- Number of homes on market is down MoM, your new asset should be a hot commodity!
Come take a look at this property located in a great neighborhood near downtown Woodstock. It is easy access to I-575 which makes for an easy commute. Additionally, the unfinished basement is a value add! This is an easy win. Get it while it’s hot!!
124 S Mill Creek Ct, Woodstock, GA 30188 – $406K in January
213 S Sequoya Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188 – $405K in April
315 Winchester Way, Woodstock, GA 30188 – $385K in January
ARV $406K
Offers Start at $230K!