1367 N Hicks Cir NW, Conyers, GA 30012
- Average selling price for homes in Conyers is up 19.7% YoY!
- 62% of homes in Conyers are selling at or above asking price!
- 58% of homes sold under 30 days, 29% more within 90 days.
Great price on a property with a lot of upside! You can get in nice and low and with some renovation see your selling price escalate. This is a nice community with nearby parks, hospital, and walking distance to schools! You should find it easy to quickly see all the potential on your growing investment on this one!
1504 Callaway Loop, Conyers, GA 30012 – $330K SOLD September 30! NOT RENOVATED!
1568 Walnut St SE, Conyers, GA 30013 – $290K SOLD in May 1/3 Less Sqft, less beds less baths
943 Sigman Rd NW, Conyers, GA 30012 – $312K SOLD – Smaller Sqft Less Bedrooms
1530 Reagan Cir NW, Conyers, GA 30012 – $400K SOLD – More Sqft Less Bedrooms
Suggested ARV $350K
Offers Start at $185K! Or avoid the hassle and Buy Now for $205K!